Juliet has a better relationship with her nurse than her own mother.Since her nurse practicaly raised her she has a closer bond because her nurse fed her. When Lady Capulet urges Juliet to marry Paris the Nurse agrees and it is clear that Juliet's nurse has her best intrestes in mind and Lady Capulet just wants Juliet to get married into a rich family so she can remain in a wealthy family, that's why I chose this picture of Juliet.
When Romeo proposes to Juliet it shows how fast Juliet can fall in love with Romeo, they have been together for less than 2 hours. Juliet defies her mom and wants to get married to Romeo even though both of her parents want her to get married to Paris. This is why I chose this picture of Juliet with Romeo.
"A pair of star- crossed lovers take their life." from this quote we know that Juliet is going to go through something terrible we know that Romeo and Juliet are going to die. Even though this picture doesn't have Juliet in it, it still represents love between Romeo and Juliet and the hatered between the Capulet family and the Montague family.
Why does Juliet wear such a red dress? In all the scenes Juliet is wearing the same dress. why did the directors choses to use a red dress? Is it maybe because it represents the love she has for Romeo or because we know in the end she dies does it represent the blood that will be shead, or does she wear red because her family is rich and dresses more regall to show authority. It is something to think about and you can decide for yourself why the director choose red.
Even though I haven't read the end of Romeo and Juliet I can asume from this picture that Juliet kills herself. Just think to yourself if you were in Juliet's position and you were in love as much as Juliet was and he died would you do the same thing? To add to that your family won't let you go near the man your in love with because someone bite thier thumb at you!!! This is why I decided to use this picture.
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